You might like my #GhostInTheShell theme remix because it was 7 years in the making and it is EPIC PEAKWAVE GLORY!🔥
I started work on this in 2010, which makes the gestation of this a record (for me, for now) 7 (seven) years (this amuses me given my last release took 30 minutes). An earlier version appeared on 2011's MANGA MUSIC mixtape, which was commissioned by Manga Entertainment to mark their 20th anniversary. This final March 2017 deadline, however, was enforced by the release of The Hollywood LIve Action Movie, so whether or not its any good, I am thankful to it for that at least.
I hope you enjoy this very very peakwave piece of music. Look out for my new album, GOLDTRON2, coming shortly!
Shout out The Unheard Nerd for the coverage, and everyone on Twitter for the kind words!